




As well as providing a play-school curriculum to start children on their journey into education we aspire to do more.  We strive to meet our mission statement by focussing on the three themes:


Understanding the world
We will give children the opportunity to learn about the environment and how nature works. They will learn to understand people’s role in shaping the climate and experience wildlife in its many forms.

Understanding ourselves

We will guide the children to a complete understanding of their emotions and how they affect their decisions. With fun and happiness as the core of everything we do at playschool, we will present and help children understand the full spectrum of how they can feel through role play and interactive learning.

Understanding our health and wellbeing

We will promote good health through healthy eating and drinking, and give an understanding of the importance and enjoyment of exercise.


We will endeavour to provide a happy and relaxed atmosphere where children can have fun, make friends and learn.

We will provide an environment of positivity where children can develop socially, intellectually within the context of play, both independently and with others.

We will strive to instil independence, self-confidence and a love of playing and learning to help make the transition to school as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

We will  consistently make sure that we provide recourses to fit our needs to ensure opportunities for imaginative and stimulating play.

We will establish a close working relationship with parents/carers and within the local community and continually seek to develop and refine how best to achieve this.

We will ensure equality of access regardless of social or economic background.

We will develop our staff team, resources and methods making changes as required to ensure we progress successfully into the future.